The great meeting: a reflection of the dialogue between the verbal and the visual in Lampião & Lancelote


  • Juliana Pádua Silva Medeiros Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie



Hypertextuality, Reading, Children's literature, Multiplicity.


This article, based on the calvinian concept of multiplicity, proposes to analyze the book Lampião & Lancelote, by Fernando Vilela, published in 2007 by Cosac Naify, seeking to approach the great meeting among times, spaces, characters, cultures, genders, arts and techniques through the dialogue between the verbal and the visual. From the perspective of “a system of systems”, in which each one conditions the others and is conditioned by them, the present text deals with the cartography of the referred work destined to the childhood (kind of hipertextual map), presenting an itinerary of reading (possible ways of interpretation), in order to reflect how the reader opens links and more links, going through in the network of meanings which is woven in the overlapping of languages.


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How to Cite

Medeiros, J. P. S. (2019). The great meeting: a reflection of the dialogue between the verbal and the visual in Lampião & Lancelote. Manuscrítica: Revista De Crítica Genética, 37, 133-142.