Theatricalities in the children's album


  • Vinicius Pereira Coelho Université de Lille



picture book, picturebook, theatricality, semiology, children's literature


Picture books are commonly known as "album" in the French academic, editorial and literary worlds. This genre has been source of inspiration for plays for children and youngsters, and the aim of this study is to analyze theatricality aspects in seemingly non-theatrical publications. Starting off a generic definition, we first explore the functioning of picture books in a global way, based on expert Sophie Van der Linden, examining the uniqueness of this literary object, which lies at the intersection of several genres. We then approach the definition by Marie Bernanoce, which brings together theater and picture books. Finally, we elucidate the styles of theatricality present in picture books, as according to Euriell Gobbé-Mévellec. Instead of aiming for an exact definition of theatricality, which is a wide and diverse concept in the field of the performing arts, this study proposes tools to analyze the writing and theatrical art present in picture books.


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Author Biography

  • Vinicius Pereira Coelho, Université de Lille

    Diplômé par l’Université de Lille – France, Master 2 Lettres parcours Littérature de jeunesse.


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How to Cite

Coelho, V. P. (2019). Theatricalities in the children’s album. Manuscrítica: Revista De Crítica Genética, 37, 91-107.