The impact of writing on the author: the algorithm, new name for style in forming manuscripts




Neuroscience, Artificial intelligence, Sloterdijk, Psychoanalysis, Nietszche


If writing is regarded as a real exercise close to athletics, it will have repercussions both on the writer's brain and on his way of writing. At first, I will recall the observations of neuroscientists Stanislas Dehaene (Les neurones de la lecture, 2007), Boris Cyrulnik (Des âmes et des saisons, 2020) and Yann Le Cun (Quand la machine apprend, 2019) on the changes in the areas of neurons according to the activities of each. Such as the writer when he writes and scribes. Secondly, I will highlight the exemplary physical endurance of artists and writers comparable to that of our best athletes, which requires prolonged training and a certain asceticism. Thus, according to Peter Sloterdijk, regarding the artist-acrobat of Zarathustra, the artist and the writer replace God and the kings in providing the answers to the great questions. Finally, the position of the German philosopher on psychoanalysis will be discussed – according to him, a person no longer owns their decisions. Contrary to Freudian theory, Sloterdijk supports the “subversion from above” when the artist and the writer, relying on the archives (Foucault) that preceded them, aim at the “impossible”, and the “multivirtuoso” to climb the mountain of the unlikely (Le palais de cristal, À l'intérieur du capitalisme planétaire, 2015).


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Author Biography

  • Philippe Leon Marie Willemart, Universidade de São Paulo

    Professor Emérito da Universidade de São Paulo, pesquisador 1A do CNPq. Autor de obras no Brasil (Edusp, Iluminuras, Ateliê, Perspectiva) e no exterior (L’Harmattan, de Paris; Liber, de Montréal; Peter Lang, de Oxford). Colaborou com a criação da Associação dos Pesquisadores em Crítica Genética (APCG).


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How to Cite

Willemart, P. L. M. (2023). The impact of writing on the author: the algorithm, new name for style in forming manuscripts. Manuscrítica: Revista De Crítica Genética, 49, 193-206.