Chronos, Kairós and the semiotics of nameless things
Peirce, semiotics, categories, pragmatism, time, nameless thingsAbstract
The realism of Peirce’s philosophy continuously suggests that we conceive of a philosophy without the assumption of a subject that constitutes reality and its meaning, as is common in nominalist philosophies. Thus, in the light of realism, Semiotics extends its meaning to the universe of humanly produced signs and to those proper to the natural world. Likewise, Pragmatism, in its scope of being a semantic maxim, can be understood as applicable to natural signs and, in general, to real objects. The human and the natural, subjectivity and objectivity, interiority and exteriority, although subject to the same three categories of Peirce as a basic requirement of his realism, nevertheless remain distinguishable, without any separation that might generate an estrangement between the nature of each. Thus, it is possible to think of dimensions of time that inhabit these two universes, associated with what characterizes our human experience as well as with what is associated with a reality whose history unfolds by itself an otherness ever challenging. This essay addresses these dimensions, bringing, by means of the relation between them, the concept of nameless things and placing it at the interface of possibilities of what typifies logical discourse and what would be proper to discourse of a poetic nature.
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