Three tones about apartheid: the besieged photographs of South Africa


  • Marcela Chaves do Valle Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro



Photography and history, Dark times, Besieged photographs, Apartheid


This study comparatively examined the subjections and insurgencies of three South African photographers during the apartheid regime, Peter Magubane, Ernest Cole and David Goldblatt. According to restrictions and freedoms concerning skin tones, they show three distinct actions that imply different political and aesthetic solutions to the same problem. Intertwining history and photography in dark times with a theoretical basis on Walter Benjamin’s On the concept of history, the gestures of resistance of photographers and images in their potential to write another story will be analyzed.


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Author Biography

  • Marcela Chaves do Valle, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

    Doutoranda em Comunicação na Escola de Comunicação da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Mestre em Mídia e Cotidiano pela Universidade Federal Fluminense. Especialista em Fotografia, Pesquisadora, Professora de Fotografia e Fotógrafa Profissional.


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How to Cite

Three tones about apartheid: the besieged photographs of South Africa. (2020). Novos Olhares, 9(2), 91-104.