Latin America and Recent Years: The Study of Reception in Mass Communication


  • Jesús Martín-Barbero Sem registro de afiliação



reception, Latin American cultural studies, mass communication


These reflections are based on a rather provocative premise: reception is not merely a stage in the communication process, it is a new place from which we must rethink communication studies and research. It is not a stage, as suggested by the North American school, that somewhat imposed on us a kind of artificial history, studied for years by sociology—essentially focusing on the economics of the sender—and later by the semiotic analysis of the ideology of the message. Seeking to break away from this “staged” conception, I propose that reception constitutes a kind of metaphor for reconnecting communication studies with today’s Latin American society—and not that of the 1970s, when communication studies began to gain importance in schools and society


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How to Cite

Martín-Barbero, J. . (2024). Latin America and Recent Years: The Study of Reception in Mass Communication. Novos Olhares, 13(2), 7-22.