The interpretive turn in the research methodology of Glifford Geertz and Quentin Skinner




Interpretive turn, Thick description, Linguistic contextualism, History of ideas, Anthropology


This paper, of theoretical and bibliographic methodological analysis, discusses the influence of  interpretive premises in the social sciences during the 1960s by investigating the methodological postulates of Clifford Geertz and Quentin Skinner. The analysis points to several affinities: a common dissent against the then hegemonic positivists discourses, the effort to revisit  comprehensive theorists from the XIX century, by accepting more recent reformulations posed by the  philosophy of the language, the refusal of radical stances that posit scientific ideals against other interpretivists, and the proposition of analytic lenses that encompass  intentionalist, contextualist and interpretive preoccupations. These projects are fundamentally rooted in two methodological tools: for anthropology, that of thick description, and for the history of ideas, that of linguistic contextualism.


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Author Biography

  • Bruno Veçozzi Regasson, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

    Bacharel em Ciências Sociais pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Mestrando em Sociologia e Ciência Política na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Atualmente é Bolsista CNPq e integra o Núcleo de Estudos do Pensamento Político (NEPP) da UFSC. Tem experiência na área de Ciência Política, com ênfase em Pensamento Político Brasileiro e História do Pensamento Político.


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How to Cite

Regasson, B. V. (2021). The interpretive turn in the research methodology of Glifford Geertz and Quentin Skinner. Plural, 28(2), 242-256.