Between semiotics and aesthetics in the cultural heritage
Architectural image, Cultural heritage, Aesthetics, SemioticsAbstract
This study deals with the construction of images in the cultural heritage in the light of semiotics and aesthetics. It also highlights a dialogue between architecture, perception, image and identity, discussing the need to preserve cultural assets in Brazil based on their cultural dimension and not on a more or less mimetic historicism. The theoretical reference is based on Charles Peirce’s (2005) conception of semiotics and supports the debate about the application of this theory in its relation with aesthetics and cultural heritage. The conceptual-methodological context also addresses the concept of image in architecture, encompassing authors from the field of heritage and presenting concepts from the theory of restoration that remain current in contemporary times. The general objective is to discuss the subject of built cultural assets as subsidies for the preservation of the values and image of the protected places. The intended result is to demonstrate, in a theoretical-argumentative way,
reflections on the connection between Charles Peirce’s semiotics, based on his contributions regarding the principles of visual language, and aesthetics in the built heritage as a cognitive experience.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Luciana da Silva Florenzano, Gisele Montalvão Freixo, Ethel Pinheiro Santana

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Funding data
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Grant numbers 88887.342796/2019