Anti-Aging Medicine in Brazil: controversy and the Notion of Personhood in the Process of Aging




Aging, Personhood, Body, Active Aging, Anti-Aging Medicine


This article is aimed to analyze the notion of the person in the aging process. Through the study about the controversies of the development to the Anti-aging Medicine in Brazil, the article explores the adjustment of the representation on aging process considering the transformations in the medical-scientific view and the emergent concept of the "active aging” as the paradigm. The analysis highlighted the divergent perspectives of the aging in the research with practitioners of Anti-aging Medicine and objector representatives of the Brazilian Federal Council of Medicine. The text presents the linkage between the physical-biological dimension of getting old and the moral constitution of personhood throughout the life cycle. It is emphasized the contrast between the modern Western personhood features and the expected physical decline of aging.


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Author Biography

  • Fernanda dos Reis Rougemont, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
    Fernanda dos Reis Rougemont é doutora em Antropologia Cultural e mestra em Sociologia e Antropologia Cultural pelo Programa de Pós-graduação em Sociologia e Antropologia (PPGSA/UFRJ), bacharel e licenciada em Ciências Sociais pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Atualmente é pesquisadora em pós-doutorado no Instituto Virtual Internacional de Mudanças Globais (IVIG/UFRJ).


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How to Cite

Rougemont, F. dos R. (2019). Anti-Aging Medicine in Brazil: controversy and the Notion of Personhood in the Process of Aging. Revista De Antropologia, 62(2), 403-431.