Consanguinity and affinity. The domestication of animals, humans and plants in development actions
Kinship, domestication, hybrids, modernity, reproductionAbstract
The following article focuses on the different ways of familiarization between peasants and edible species. Development politics pointed towards food production keep vegetal and animal propagation under control, while encouraging the replication of human relationships. The consanguinity flux that links humans and edible species then gets segmented in genre-codified lines, which involve sex opposition. Thus, the kind of partnership requested by the development programs (cooperatives, associations) puts a halt to the “consanguinization” of affines, fostering political and economic relationships, expressed in alliance bonding, instead. The ethnographic research that supports this article was carried out among peasants, and NGO and government agents that have stimulated local food-production in the last decades of the 20th century, in northeastern Misiones, in Argentina.
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