Making visible the unspeakable: Capulanas in Northern Mozambique


  • Helena Santos Assunção Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro



Anthropology of art, Attachment, Objects, Wax print fabrics, Mozambique


This article presents a theoretical reflection on capulanas (wax print fabrics) in the northern region of Mozambique. It is based on fieldwork conducted in Nampula and Ilha de Moçambique in 2015 and 2017. Beginning with a dialogue with the theoretical propositions of Alfred Gell and Bruno Latour, it suggests that “making capulanas” is not restricted to production. Instead, it happens mainly through circulation and its multiple forms of use. In addition, it addresses what capulanas are “made to do” (faire-faire) and especially what they “make not do” (faire ne pas faire). By covering the bodies and transmitting messages about sensitive matters such as illness, death, and menstruation, they harbor the spheres of the invisible and the unspeakable, and thus they “keep secrets.”


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Author Biography

  • Helena Santos Assunção, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

    Helena Santos Assunção é mestre e doutoranda em Antropologia Social no Museu Nacional da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Graduada em Ciências Sociais (UFMG). Realiza pesquisa no norte de Moçambique desde 2015, com trabalhos de campo em 2015, 2017 e 2019-2020. No mestrado pesquisou as relações entre mulheres e capulanas, e atualmente pesquisa relações entre mulheres e espíritos (madjine) na Ilha de Moçambique.


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How to Cite

Assunção, H. S. (2023). Making visible the unspeakable: Capulanas in Northern Mozambique. Revista De Antropologia, 66, e188052.