Necropolis and the Reinforced Concrete: anthropological and historical reflections about apartheids between Brasília end Johannesburg
racism, apartheid, event, daily life, NegroceneAbstract
This article compares the development of the cities of Brasília (Brazil) and Johannesburg (South Africa) by analysing two series of dualism: event/daily; life and non/life. From a historical methodology and in the light of anthropological theories, we indicate how the constitution of these two spaces of apartheid, these events and daily life, are related by the materialization of eugenicist utopias that reify people already racialized by colonization. People who continue to have a dubious function of object and abject. Thus, we point out cement as an actor of the technosphere in the Negrocene (FERDINAND, 2021) and, in the calculation of its transformation into concrete, we see how indispensable people (lives) are read by capitalism/colonialism as commodities (non-life), extracted of the residues of colonial political arrangements. Finally, conceptualizing modern cities as necropolis, we point out how solutions to colonialism can reside in biointeraction (SANTOS, 2015) experiences and in different visions of what body and space are.
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