Searching the missing anthrozoological link: the phantom fuegian dog




yaghan dog, co-evolution, multi-species ethnography, evolutionary connectionism, extinction studies



This paper reviews the case of the extinct Fuegian dog in the light of the new perspectives of the theory of co-evolution. Reviewing this case from a different perspective allows us to understand the human-canine link in a new way, based on the innovations introduced by the theory of evolutionary connectionism. But it also leads us to the realisation of the fragility of the networks that sustain us in a co-evolutionary and co-adaptive link with other living beings, following the contributions of multi-species ethnography.  The aim is to make more intelligible the phenomenon of their existence and extinction, by unanchoring it from the series of data already known, escaping from thanatology and recovering biology


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How to Cite

Anzoátegui, M. (2024). Searching the missing anthrozoological link: the phantom fuegian dog. Revista De Antropologia, 67.