The Fiesta de La Caporalía among the Navinos (central Andes): cosmological synthesis andrelational persons
Quechua, shamanism, person, relations, ontologyAbstract
Recent works devoted to the production of person among the Quechua highlight the practice of shamanism. This article examines the Fiesta de La Caporalía, a ritual celebration of the Navinos from the upper Huaura (central Andes of Peru). In it, the Caporales dance wearing variations of catholic priestly garments, an act in which a shamanic practice that is significant in the relational ontology of the navino person can be recognized. Following Strathern’s theoretical insights, the Navino person can be thought as a composite of relations with human and other-than-human alterities fostered by the washka, a native operator of sociality. The article reflects on the ways in which La Caporalía celebrates such relations.
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