Getting the Hang of How to Tame the Beast. Learning Process of Digital Technology by Elders
Elders, Digital Technology, LearningAbstract
In this article we propose a reflection on the learning process of digital technologies by the elderly, based on an ethnographic research conducted in 2016 on platforms such as Facebook and in the computer classes for elders offered by the Computer Science Laboratory of PRAE / CPD UFSM. Our intention is to show how the relationship with computers constitutes a complex process for those subjects who are having contact with the digital technology for the first time, requiring the learning of a series of actions and technical gestures. Through different ethnographic situations we will discuss the establishment of a set of knowledge and gestures that are embodied and illustrate the relationship between the materiality of technology, body and motor skills in the process of "getting the hang" of the computer and "tame it."
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