Neither institution, nor individual: notes about the charism and agency from the Grace Testimonies of Two Franciscan Friars’ Votary
Grace, Charism, Agency, Dividual, Friar Fabiano de Cristo (1676-1747), Friar Rogério Neuhaus (1859-1934)Abstract
This paper analyses the grace testimonies of devotees of friar Fabiano de Cristo (1676-1747) and friar Rogério Neuhaus (1859-1934), in order to discussing the notions of charism and agency. The analyzed material consists in votary’ letters that can be found at biographies and Franciscan archives office. The reflection about charism allowed discuss anthropological notions like dividual, individual and agency. Following the anthropological research agenda, that aims to go bellowed of the sociologic reason, this text affirms that choice between charism of function and individual charism is not a good way to understanding the relations between friars and votary. In the votary’ letters, the agency cannot be found nether just in the individual, nor just in the institution. The agency is diluted in the meshwork that joins divinity, human and others things. Besides that, the paper evokes a notion of dividual
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