Y Balance Test for healthy older women: protocol adaptations and test-retest reliability





Dynamic balance, Functional test, Older women, Psychometric properties


There are several tests to assess dynamic balance in older adults, however many of these tests are indicated for the most fragile population to evaluate fall risks. Considering the increase in the number of older people engaged in fitness programs and therefore the improvement of their physical capacities and motor skills, a valid and reliable test to assess dynamic balance of this population is of great importance for both scientific and clinical purposes. The objectives of the present study are to adapt the Y Balance Test (YBT) instrument and protocol for active, older women and to determine its between-session reliability. Fifty-one healthy women (aged 66.6 ± 5.3 years) underwent an adapted version of the YBT where the working limb was allowed to return to and make contact with the support base before a new trial. The interval between testing and retesting ranged from five to seven days. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) and the Bland-Altman plot method were used to quantify between-session test-retest reliability and its level of agreement, while the Minimal Detectable Change quantified the scores’ smallest detectable differences for the adapted version. The ICC results for all variables are above 0.90, indicating excellent between-session test-retest reliability. Levels of agreement are good and real score differences lower than 3.6% of the mean can be detected. In addition, the protocol allowed for the complete execution of the task in less time and without a fear of falling, which improved the effectiveness of the test sessions. In conclusion, the adaptations proposed for the equipment and protocol, called YBT-Aged, produced highly reliable results to assess dynamic balance in a group of active older women.


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Como Citar

Costa, P. H. L. da, Lara, A. R. F., & Cruz, C. F. (2024). Y Balance Test for healthy older women: protocol adaptations and test-retest reliability. Revista Brasileira De Educação Física E Esporte, 38, e38225669. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1981-4690.2024e38225669