Explanatory variables of psychological well-being: a study with postgraduates in Accounting





Stress, Coping, Self-efficacy, Welfare, Postgraduates


Previous studies have indicated the high frequency of stressors and stress in graduate studies, however, there is a need to better understand the role of coping strategies in this environment and the impact of all these variables on the well-being of students. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between stressors and self-efficacy, mediated by stress and coping, in the psychological well-being of graduate students in Accounting. To achieve the aim, an online survey was carried out, with a questionnaire consisting of the Stressors (worries and difficulties), General Self-Efficacy, Perceived Stress, Brief Cope and General Health Questionnaire (to measure well-being) scales, in addition to questions about the respondents’ profile. The sample consisted of 366 participants. It was observed that the most stressors show the fear of not achieving good results and the difficulty in reconciling the demands of graduate studies with other aspects of life. On average, students had high self-efficacy and most had a high stress level. The most used coping strategies were active coping, self-blame and positive reinterpretation. With the use of mediation analysis, it was concluded that stressors, as well as self-efficacy, are mediated by stress and by the positive reinterpretation strategy, thus explaining the psychological well-being of graduate students. In this way, the identification of the investigated variables encourages debate and provides support for the planning and execution of institutional actions that aim to alleviate stressors, as well as help students to develop greater adaptive capacity in the face of postgraduate challenges.


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How to Cite

Silva, T. D., Leal, E. A., & Faro, A. (2023). Explanatory variables of psychological well-being: a study with postgraduates in Accounting. Revista De Contabilidade E Organizações, 17, e202536. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1982-6486.rco.2023.202536