What does a Constitution constitute? A discussion about constitutional equality based on the stable union between people of the same sex


  • Raphael Peixoto de Paula Marques Mestre em Direito, Estado e Constituição pela Universidade de Brasília (UnB).




Same-sex unions, fundamental rights, constitutional interpretation, constitucional equality.


The present article aims to analyze the viability of a stable union between homo-affective couples according to the interpretation of 226, §3º article from the 1988 Federal Constitution which defines, for the pourposes of state protection, the recognition of stable union only between man and woman as a family entity. The main objective is to reorientate the discussion about how the constitutional catalog of fundamental rights should be interpretated considering the wide and abstract set of principles of moral politics brought from the 1988 Federal Constitution. These principles should serve as an interpretative base able to remove linguistic rules or semantic references when it comes to interpretating constitutional law.


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Author Biography

  • Raphael Peixoto de Paula Marques, Mestre em Direito, Estado e Constituição pela Universidade de Brasília (UnB).
    Membro do grupo de pesquisa “Percursos, Fragmentos e Narrativas: história do direito e do constitucionalismo” (UnB/UFSC) e “Direito e História: políticas de memória e justiça transicional” (UnB). Procurador Federal.



How to Cite

What does a Constitution constitute? A discussion about constitutional equality based on the stable union between people of the same sex. (2016). Revista Digital De Direito Administrativo, 3(3), 499-511. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2319-0558.v3i3p499-511