Recovering the public space and protecting the fundamental rights of informal vendors:

parameters from the Constitutional Court of Colombia (2010-2017)


  • Hidemberg Alves da Frota Ministério Público do Estado do Amazonas



recovery of the public space, fundamental rights of informal vendors, precedents of the Constitutional Court of Colombia


The purpose of this legal paper was to analyze the judgments of the Constitutional Court of Colombia from 2010 to 2017, which had to balance the duty of the Public Administration in promoting the recovery of the public space while safeguarding the fundamental rights of informal vendors negatively affected by this type of exercise, in the local spheres, of the controlling e punishment power of the government. It was inferred that the Constitutional Court of Colombia has repeatedly reversed decisions of the Judiciary that disregard the omission of the Executive, at the district and municipal level, in providing informal vendors with concrete administrative measures that enable the financial survival of these individuals, since the Public Administration shows resistance in the conduct of not providing them with state programs for their qualification, the formalization of economic activities and relocation, in line with the particularities of this segment of the urban population incurs in repeated contradictory and disloyal behavior by  frustrating the legitimate expectation and confidence of informal vendors who have exercised their profession with the acquiescence of local state entities that then surprise them with an opposite course of action, marked by a hygienist and punitive attitude.


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Author Biography

  • Hidemberg Alves da Frota, Ministério Público do Estado do Amazonas

    Agente técnico-jurídico do Ministério Público do Estado do Amazonas. Pós-graduado (especialista) em direito público: constitucional e administrativo pelo Centro Universitário de Ensino Superior do Amazonas (CIESA). Pós-graduado (especialista) em direito tributário pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais (PUC Minas). Pós-graduado (especialista) em psicologia existencial, humanista e fenomenológica pela Faculdade Dom Bosco Alberto. E-mail:






How to Cite

Frota, H. A. da. (2019). Recovering the public space and protecting the fundamental rights of informal vendors:: parameters from the Constitutional Court of Colombia (2010-2017). Revista Digital De Direito Administrativo, 6(2), 01-26.