Extension course - Spanish for Specific Purposes in the Supervised Internship in Emergency Remote Teaching: an experience report
Teaching Languages for Specific Purposes, Mandatory Supervised Internship, Spanish language teaching, emergency remote learningAbstract
The Teaching of Languages for Specific Purposes (TLSP), in this case the Spanish language, is still marked by myths that need to be deconstructed. This study aims to report the experience of two teachers of a Licentiate Degree in Languages-Spanish and their interns from the Supervised Internship III component in the development of a course entitled Extension Course - Spanish for Specific Purposes, in emergency remote teaching, demystifying conceptions about ELFE brought up by Augusto-Navarro (2008). Augusto-Navarro (2008), Guimarães (2014) and Ramos (2005) contribute to the discussion on teaching languages for specific purposes. About education and the formative process, we have the contribution of Fernandes (2019), Freire (1997), Gardner (2012), Imbernón (2017) and Pimenta (2012). The data present in the report were extracted from the Final Internship Reports and from the recordings of the meetings with the interns. In the discussion, we seek to reframe, within our context, 6 erroneous ideas about TLSP brought up by Augusto-Navarro (2008).
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