Vol. 7 No. 15 (2020)

We reached number 15 of our Revista de Estudios Brasileños. It is an achievement to celebrate and for several reasons. In the first place, the constant publication of our editions, bringing the best to deal with in the presentation of issues related to Brazil, in the perspective of the academic-scientific dialogue proposed at the time of its foundation. It was a feat to do this at a time of extreme crisis in the publishing sector, not only caused by the global economic crisis, but, above all, by the specific perspective of the market, with huge competition with other media. Last but not least, there was also the unprecedented crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, with the worldwide enactment of restrictions of various types, including lockdowns, all of which made it difficult to maintain the regularity of editorial publications. We can therefore say that we have won. We managed to close the editorial cycle of the year 2020, with this emblematic issue, within our expected regularity of editions, carried out with Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, with the always noted quality put in the endeavor. The quality of the articles and reviews brought speaks for itself. In this issue, the dossier is dedicated to the Brazilian Amazon, coordinated by professors Raimunda Nonata Monteiro (UFOPA, Brazil), Enaile do Espírito Santo Iadanza (UnB, Brazil) and Helena Maria Martins Lastres (UFRJ, Brazil). In the interview section, we have two very interesting ones, namely, that with Bruno Ayllón Pino, a politologist and specialist in Brazilian international relations, conducted by José Manuel Santos Pérez and Elisa Tavares Duarte, co-director and editor of REB respectively, and the one made with Fernanda Viegas Reichadt, collaborator of the Institute for Advanced Studies at USP, about the panorama of indigenous lands in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, conducted by Caio Rodrigo Albuquerque, journalist at USP's “Luiz de Queiroz” School of Agriculture. We are sure that, once again, we have fulfilled the objective that has guided our REB since its foundation: to offer first-rate literary material and provoke reflections and considerations of magnitude on the studies it proposes. Happy reading to all!