Vol. 3 No. 5 (2016)

The Revista de Estudios Brasileños presents its fifth number in its third year of publishing life. Over the years, the REB had the invaluable collaboration of authors, reviewers, proofreaders and, in particular, readers that allowed the magazine to be consolidated as a reference in the dissemination of scientific knowledge produced in and about Brazil.
In this issue, the "Dossier", "Education" in Brazil, was coordinated by Professors Carlos Alexandre Netto and Maria Beatriz Luce, both from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil). The current Brazilian context and past experiences in the field of Education imposed the choice of the theme and its consequences: the discussion on secularity, sexuality and curriculum, training for employment and memory, and finally the process of internalization of higher education institutions.
In the "Interview" section, the director of the Revista de Estudios Brasileños and Professor at the University of Salamanca, José Manuel Santos Pérez, spoke with the historian Laura de Mello e Souza, a Professor at the Paris IV University - Sorbonne.
We appreciate all the people who contributed to this issue publication and we take opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to disclosure and disseminate scientific knowledge about Brazil.