Building pífanos: educative processes emerging from musicalization in the context of a leisure project




educative processes, music education, leisure, dialogic pedagogy, university extension


The aim of this research was to identify and understand the educational processes emerging from building and learning a musical instrument named pífano, in the context of a leisure project for children and youth from the urban periphery of São Carlos, São Paulo. It is a partnership between the univeristy extension project Experiences in Diversified Leisure Activities of the Federal University of São Carlos and the Mais Que Futebol social project of the São Carlos Sports, Educational and Social Association of Metalworkers, which had financial support from terre des hommes, Germany (tdhA). This partnership offered cycling, combat sports and games, fútbol callejero and musicalization among its central practices, and in this study, we focused on musicalization. As a data collection procedure we used field diaries collected between May 9, 2017 and June 13, 2017, whose selection represented a transition period: lessons with recorders, gestation and proposal for the construction of the pífano, collection of materials, construction and beginning of learning to play the instrument. Guided by map-concepts such as musicking, education, dialogic pedagogy, humanizing music education and leisure. The data analysis was inspired by phenomenology and resulted in the construction of the following categories: A) "Are you going to cut it?". "We will" - Education, experience and playfulness; B) "How long will it take?" - Humanizing musical education: commitment, frequency and rigor; C) "We were more lively there. But here it's also lively, it's nice, it's silence" - Sharing and living together. As results we identified educational processes of strengthening self-confidence and trust in others, cooperation and conviviality between educators and participants and among themselves, autonomy in relation to choices and individual and collective responsibility.


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How to Cite

Arruda, M. F. V. de, & Gonçalves Junior, L. (2022). Building pífanos: educative processes emerging from musicalization in the context of a leisure project. Revista Da Tulha, 8(1 e 2), 111-142.