The macro pianism of the mikrokosmos: genesis and historical heritage of the series of 153 progressive pieces for piano by the composer Béla Bartók


  • Alexandre Guilherme Montes Silva Universidade de São Paulo. Escola de Comunicações e Artes



Mikrokosmos, Béla Bartó, Piano, Musical Pedagogy


This essay presents the origins and historical context of the genesis of the cycle of 153 pieces for piano, entitled Mikrokosmos, by the Hungarian composer Béla Bartók. The first section discusses, in a brief overview, the conceptual transformations that musical pedagogy has undergone over the last few centuries, so that we can better understand the relevance of Bartók’s work within this context. The second section deals with the genesis of the cycle and the relevance of the musical content present throughout the pieces, in addition to the didactic and aesthetic importance of this material.


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How to Cite

Silva, A. G. M. (2022). The macro pianism of the mikrokosmos: genesis and historical heritage of the series of 153 progressive pieces for piano by the composer Béla Bartók. Revista Da Tulha, 8(1 e 2), 224-235.