Aura, gramática da performance e tecnicização: reflexão sobre obra e performance musical a partir dos pensamentos de Walter Benjamin, Nicholas Cook e Walter Wiora


  • Patrick Moreira de Souza Lima Universidade de São Paulo - Escola de Comunicações e Artes



Aura, Reprodutibilidade técnica, Estudos da Performance, Performance musical, Gramática da performance


Walter Benjamin is one of the most influential thinkers about the understanding of the artistic phenomenon of the twentieth century, who stablished important concepts as aura and technicalogical reproductibility. Nicholas Cook, in turn, is one of the most important members of the so-called New Musicology, who has reflected on the phenomenon of the reified musical work and its primacy over musical performance. In order to make an analysis on a global history of music, the German musicologist Walter Wiora has suggested the division of history in four ages, from prehistory to the age of the great technological innovations and of the global cultural industry. This paper aims to make a reflection on musical performance in the scope of the classical music in contemporaneity, by establishing a relation between the thinking of those three authors. Based on Performance Studies, it is proposed here surmising performance as a work and, from that, making an analysis on the state of musical performance through the Benjaminian thought on art work in the age of technological reproduction. Thus we can establish a relation between the Benjaminian loss of the aura to the concept grammar of performance by Nicholas Cook and to the ideia of technicization and artificialization that Walter Wiora thinks about the avant-garde music from the twentieth century. Discussed the issue of musical performance in the context of reified musical work, it is necessary to make a reflection on the role of musicians originated from a colonized country on maintaining the paradigms of classical music.


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How to Cite

Lima, P. M. de S. (2022). Aura, gramática da performance e tecnicização: reflexão sobre obra e performance musical a partir dos pensamentos de Walter Benjamin, Nicholas Cook e Walter Wiora. Revista Da Tulha, 8(1 e 2), 177-197.