elections, campaign, media, political communication.Abstract
This article presents an account of the presidential elections of 2006 and 2010; and an analysis divided into three focuses: the campaign strategies, the coverage by the mainstream written press, and the behavior of voters. From those viewpoints, it discusses the election results, the agenda-setting of the election process, and media influence; so as to argue that in those two ballots, 1) there was a detachment between the political agenda of the A and B classes B and the so-called “new middle class” and the “poor”; 2) voting was predominantly “pro-government” and structured by a class cleavage, and oriented towards a retrospective and pragmatic vote and finally, 3) the influence of the mainstream written press was restricted to the A and B classes – which make up its reading audience par excellence – and the main blocs of the oppositionist body of voters.
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