Analysis of the mediation and ‘conciliation’ system brought by the 2015 Civil Procedure Code in the light of the concept of conflicts as property
Mediation, Conciliation, 2015 CPC, ADR, Restorative Justice, Appropriation, PacificationAbstract
The present essay analyses, with a critical view, the institutes of mediation and conciliation in the 2015 Brazilian Civil Procedure Code, based on Nils Christie’s ideas in Conflicts as Property. Both positive and negative aspects of the New Code are brought to light, inserting the 2015 CPC into the context of the ADR Movement. The conclusion is Universities should pursue to adjust their teachings of Law to the real needs of the community, forming professionals who question and create knowledge, promoting the amicable conflict-solving culture (“Pacification Culture”), restorative Justice, and the inclusion of the lay community in the processes of conflict solving.
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