Ihering (1818-1892)


  • Alexandre Augusto de Castro Corrêa


Rudolf Von Ihering, Homenagem, Direito Romano.


Ihering figures rightly among the greatest jurists of the XIXth. century: he is outstanding as a Roman and Civil law lawyer, as a forerunner of legal sociology and as a legal philosopher. His interpretation of the Roman law concept of "possession" was consecrated by the German Civil Code of 1900 and by those who followed it. Ihering's master work The spirit of Roman Law in the different phases of its development and The idea of purpose in Law give evidence of his farsighted ideas about the relations between Law and Society.


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V. bons apanhados sobre Ihering em:

STONE, Julius. The province and function of law. 2ª ed. Harvard, 1950. p. 299-314.

Cf. ainda:

BRIMO, A. Les grands courants de la philosophie du droit et de l'État. Paris : Pedone, 1967. p. 183-7;

CORREIA, Alexandre. A concepção histórica do direito e do Estado. In: Ensaios políticos e filosóficos. São Paulo : Convívio-EDUSP, 1984. p. 45-140.

MACDONELL, John. Rudolph von Ihering In: Great jurists of the world. Nova York, 1968. p. 160-5; 299-314; 411-12; 649-51; 666-7; 712-3.

MARGADANT, Guillermo. El derecho privado romano. 3ª ed. México, 1968. v. 1.

PARESCE, Enrico. Jhering, Rudolf (Von) (verbete). In: NNDI Novissimo Digesto Italiano. v. VIII. p. 151-2.

WOLF, Erik. Grosse Rechtsdenker. Tuebingen, 1963. p. 622-69.





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How to Cite

Ihering (1818-1892). (1992). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 87, 15-21. https://periodicos.usp.br/rfdusp/article/view/67164