Transformations in trade union organization in South America


  • Amauri Mascaro Nascimento


Sindicato, Direito Sindical.


Trade unionism in Latin America was born linked largely to a concession of the State, but it has been developing gradually towards full union freedom, ridding itself of corporative vices. Having that objective in mind, some countries have ratified Convention # 87 of the International Labor Organization, a decisive step to the consecution of real union freedom, both in the creation and organization and in the affiliation to the union. Although Brazil has not ratified such an important Convention, some relevant progress was made with the enactment of the 1988 Constitution, mainly when it barred interference and intervention in union organizations.


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CABANELLAS, Guillermo. Il diritto dei lavoro dei paesi dell'America Latina (trad. de Giuliano Mazzoni). Padova, 1984.

GUERRERO FIGUEROA, G. Derecho colectivo del trabajo. 3ª ed. Bogotá : Temis, 1986.

LINARES, Francisco Walker. Derecho del trabajo chileno. In: El derecho latinoamericano del trabajo. México : UNAM, 1974. v. 1.

PASCO COSMÓPOLIS, Mario (coord.). Los sindicatos en Iberoamerica. Lima : Aele, 1988.

PÉREZ PATON, Roberto. Derecho boliviano del trabajo. In: El derecho latinoamericano del trabajo. México : UNAM, 1974. v. 1.

POTOBSKI, Geraldo von. Las organizaciones sindicales en las relaciones colectivas del trabajo en America Latina. Genebra : Oficina Internacional del Trabajo, 1987.





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How to Cite

Transformations in trade union organization in South America. (1993). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 88, 255-271.