Brief Reflections on the typified Law of Torture (Law n. 9.455, of April 7, 1997) according to the concrete anti-juridical
Antijuridicidade, Tortura, Entorpecente, Anistia.Abstract
The comment below destinates to analyze the main aspects of recent "Torture Law" published in april 7th, 1997; its elaboration, meaning and reflexion at brazilian penal system. The comment also focalizes the need of a law such of size, that can guarantee human dignity, and at same time criticize this law under its characterization in brazilian legal organization. Following there are comments of article by article of law.
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SHECAIRA, Sérgio S.. Folha de S. Paulo, 12.04.1997. p. 3.2.
WELZEL, Hans. Mas ala del derecho natural. 1941.
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