Profile of users in an emergency care
Primary Health Care. Health Services Accessibility. Emergency Medical ServicesAbstract
The objective of this study was to identify the profile of users treated in emergency care of a district ofRibeirao Preto - SP. Quantitative Study users seeking the emergency care between January to June 2009.Were characterized by sex, age, time, day of week and months of peak demand, demand justification,conduct and referrals. Of the 45,771 visits made, was selected a sample of 330 medical records byrandom sampling technique. Of these, 57% of users were female and 63.3% are users between 20 and50 years. The months of greatest demand were in March, April and May and 70.7% of cases occurredduring the day. In 20% of justifications were reports of pain. In 77,2% of the ducts are drug therapy and26.3% test ordering. Among the many justifications for the search by the emergency care are the potentialof this service in the form of high-density technology.Downloads
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Gomide MFS, Pinto IC, Gomide DMP, Zacharias FCM. Profile of users in an emergency care. Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) [Internet]. 2012 Mar. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];45(1):31-8. Available from: