Adherence to dietary recommendations for preschoolers: clinical trial with teenage mothers
OBJECTIVE To assess the effect of educational dietary intervention offered in the child’s first year of life, as well as teenage mothers and grandmothers in carrying out the dietary recommendations at four to seven years. METHODS Randomized clinical trial initiated in 2006, in Porto Alegre, RS, involving 323 teenage mothers and grandmothers who cohabited. The intervention consisted of six counseling sessions on breastfeeding and healthy complementary feeding. The first session occurred in the maternity ward and the other ones in the households of mothers at seven, 15, 30, 60, and 120 days of the child’s life. The information about the child’s diet were obtained on a monthly basis in the first six months, every two months in the second half-year, and at four to seven years, using a food frequency questionnaire. To assess the adequacy of food consumption to the recommendations from the Ministry of Health, we elaborated a score system that would reflect the compliance with the Ten Steps for Healthy Toddlers from 2 to 10 Years. The average scores of intervention and control groups were compared using the t-test. RESULTS Low adherence to recommendations on child nutrition was found in the study population, with no difference in implementation the steps between the groups. The score on the compliance with the steps was similar in both groups (9.6 [SD = 1.63] and 9.3 [SD = 1.60] in the intervention and control groups, respectively) and no influence of the cohabitation with the grandmother was found. CONCLUSIONS Educational dietary intervention in the first four months of the child’s life for teenage mothers and grandmothers had no effect on the compliance with the recommendations at four to seven years of the child’s life.Downloads
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How to Cite
Soldateli, B., Vigo, A., & Giugliani, E. R. J. (2016). Adherence to dietary recommendations for preschoolers: clinical trial with teenage mothers . Revista De Saúde Pública, 50, 83.