Family Vulnerability Scale: validityevidence in primary health care




Health Vulnerability, Family Characteristics, Validation Study, Primary Health Care, Population Health Management


OBJECTIVE: Investigate evidence of validity of the Family Vulnerability Scale (EVFAM-BR) as an instrument to support population-based management in primary health care (PHC), in the scope of Health Care Planning (PAS).
METHODS: This is a psychometric study to assess any additional evidence of the internal structure of EVFAM-BR using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and network analysis (NA).
A preliminary version of the scale with 38 items was submitted to patients of PHC facilities that use the PAS methodology, distributed across the five regions of Brazil. For the primary CFA data, factor loadings and predictive power (R2) of the item were used. Seven model adjustment indices were adopted and reliability was measured by three indicators, using Bayesian estimation.
RESULTS: The preliminary version of the scale was applied to 1,255 patients. Using the AFC, factor loadings ranged from 0.66 to 0.90 and R2 from 0.44 to 0.81. Both the primary indicators and the model adequacy indices presented satisfactory and consistent levels. According to the NA, the items were appropriately associated with their peers, respecting the established dimensions, thus demonstrating sustainability and stability of the proposed model.
CONCLUSIONS: The evidence of validity presented by EVFAM-BR indicates, for the first time in Brazil, a concise instrument that is able to assertively measure family vulnerability, potentially supporting population-based management.


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How to Cite

Souza, E. L. de, Rebustini, F., Eshriqui, I., Paiva Neto, F. T. de, Masuda, E. T., Lima, R. M., & Bonfim, D. (2023). Family Vulnerability Scale: validityevidence in primary health care. Revista De Saúde Pública, 57(Supl.3), 1-11.