Consumption of critical nutrients and sweeteners related to the risk of chronic diseases in the population of Antioquia, according to the degree of food processing
Processed Foods, Ultra-processed Products, Food Processing, Nova, Nutrient ProfileAbstract
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the consumption of critical nutrients and other sweeteners, according to the degree of food processing in the population of Antioquia. METHODS: Cross-Sectional Study. The dietary intake of 4,382 participants of the Perfil Alimentario y Nutricional de Antioquia 2019 (Antioquia Food and Nutrition Profile 2019) was evaluated. Processed foods (PF) and ultra-processed products (UPP) reported by 24-hour recall were classified according to the Nova system. The Nutrient Profile Model (NPM) of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) was used. The amount of PF and UPP consumed with excess of critical nutrients related to chronic diseases (CD) was measured. The difference in average intake, the prevalence of excess intake, and the likelihood of inadequacy between groups with and without excess dietary content were assessed. RESULTS: Nearly 50% of the PF and UPP consumed had excess in at least one critical nutrient. The population consumed daily one or more products with excess in free sugar (73.3%), total fat (75.2%), saturated fat (77.0%), sodium (83.9%), and/or sweeteners (36.8%). Those who consumed products with excessive amounts had a higher intake of total fat (> 5.8%); saturated fat (> 3.8%); and sodium (> 698.7 mg) in adults and adolescents, in children 5–10 years (> 659.2 mg), and in children under 5 years (> 498 mg). Those who consumed products with excessive amounts presented the greatest possibilities of dietary inadequacy. CONCLUSION: The population of Antioquia that consumes PF and UPP with excessive amounts of free sugars, total fat, saturated fat, sodium, and/or sweeteners presents an unbalanced diet. Reducing the consumption of these products and returning to a natural and/or minimally processed diet may be an effective strategy to achieve the nutrient intake recommendations prioritized by PAHO in the population of Antioquia.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Liliana Gaviria-Salinas, Gustavo Cediel, Juan Fernando Saldarriaga-Franco, Laura Inés González-Zapata

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