QuestNova: innovation in food consumption assessment according to industrial processing




Food intake, Food Processing. Software, Data collection, Ultra-processed foods, Internet, Nutritional Surveys. Surveys and Questionnaires, Diet Surveys, Researchers


The objective of this commentary is to describe the characteristics, development and functionalities of the food intake data collection platform QuestNova. The platform was developed by two information technology specialists, with the support of a team from Nupens/USP. The development process took place in stages, with all the functionalities of each step being thoroughly tested by multiple team members before moving on to the next. QuestNova is a free online platform that offers three self-administered instruments for assessing food intake, based on the Nova classification: Screener-Nova, QFA-Nova and R24h-Nova. On the platform, the researcher can select the instrument of interest and send it via a link to the participants in their study, who will answer it autonomously, without the presence of an interviewer. Databases containing relevant indicators for evaluating food according to the level of processing are automatically generated from the responses. A crucial aspect of QuestNova is its commitment to the confidentiality and safety of participant data. No information is stored internally on the platform; on the contrary, data is transmitted directly to a Google Drive account provided by the researcher themselves. QuestNova democratizes access to innovative research tools, boosting studies on the impact of food processing on Brazilian health. Future updates may extend its usefulness.


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How to Cite

Louzada, M. L. da C., Souza, T. N., Frade, E., Gabe, K. T., & Patricio, G. A. (2024). QuestNova: innovation in food consumption assessment according to industrial processing. Revista De Saúde Pública, 58(1), 38.