Epidemiology of leishmaniasis related to agriculture and prospecting in a locality of the State of Bahia, Brazil


  • Maria Inês Costa Dourado Universidade Federal da Bahia; Departamento de Medicina Preventiva
  • Ceci Vilar Noronha Universidade Federal da Bahia; Departamento de Medicina Preventiva
  • Neusa Alcantara Universidade Federal da Bahia; Instituto de Ciências da Saúde
  • Maria Yuri T. Ichihara Superintendência de Campanhas de Saúde Pública
  • Sebastião Loureiro Universidade Federal da Bahia; Departamento de Medicina Preventiva




Leishmaniasis, mucocutaneous^i2^soccure, Occupation, Phlebotomus, Ecology, vectors


This study was carried out in the city of Lençóis, State of Bahia, with the objective of verifying the association between leishmaniasis infection and occupation. A Montenegro test and a questionnaire including biological and socio-economic variables were applied to the study group. Sandflies were captured in and around dwellings. The higher-than-average prevalence of leishmaniasis observed among agricultural workers and prospectors is explained by the double exposure to the infection-both at home and at work.





Original Articles

How to Cite

Dourado, M. I. C., Noronha, C. V., Alcantara, N., Ichihara, M. Y. T., & Loureiro, S. (1989). Epidemiology of leishmaniasis related to agriculture and prospecting in a locality of the State of Bahia, Brazil . Revista De Saúde Pública, 23(1), 2-8. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0034-89101989000100002