Hearing findings in subjects after meningitis


  • Juliana H. Romero Universidade de São Paulo
  • Marina S. Carvalho Universidade de São Paulo
  • Mariza R. Feniman Universidade de São Paulo




Hearing loss, bilatera^i2^setiol, Meningitis^i2^scomplicati


INTRODUCTION: It was proposed to ascertain the occurrence of individuals who present hearing loss, due to contracting meningitis, as well as to characterize the diagnosed loss as far as the type, degree and the audiometric configuration are concerned. MATERIAL AND METHOD: The methodology used comprised a survey of 949 references of patients attended at the Hearing Disturbance Center of the HPRLLP/USP, in order to select those who presented hearing loss after meningitis and, from the analysis of the hearing evaluation to which they were submitted, achieve the proposed goal. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The results indicated a 6.2 percent occurrence as regards hearing loss due to meningitis in relation to other causes and the characteristic of this hearing loss was predominantly sensorineural, symmetrical, al linear and to a profound degree.





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How to Cite

Romero, J. H., Carvalho, M. S., & Feniman, M. R. (1997). Hearing findings in subjects after meningitis . Revista De Saúde Pública, 31(4), 398-401. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0034-89101997000400009