Bond and autonomy of the oral health practice in the Family Health Program


  • Adriano Maia dos Santos Universidade Federal da Bahia; Instituto Multidisciplinar em Saúde
  • Marluce Maria Araújo Assis Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana
  • Maria Angela Alves do Nascimento Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana
  • Maria Salete Bessa Jorge Universidade Estadual do Ceará



Personal Autonomy, Health Education, Dental, Family Health Program, Health Knowledge^i2^sAttitu, Health Knowledge^i2^sPract, Qualitative Research


OBJECTIVE: To understand the establishment of bond in the construction of autonomy of the subjects who generate the practices of oral health in the Family Health Program. METHODOLOGICAL PROCEDURES: A critical refl exive approach was undertaken in this qualitative study carried out in Alagoinhas (Northeastern Brazil). ANALYSIS OF RESULTS: Interviewees taken care of by the oral health team of the Program point out their problems and the treatment they want. A line of tension is established that will define the service as welcoming, binding and will contribute towards enhancing the autonomy of those seeking oral health services. However, negotiation concerning the treatment that will be implemented, between those seeking and providing it, is fundamental. Establishing a bond made it possible for negotiation to lead to a consensus concerning necessities and responsibilities, impeding the therapeutic act from being centered on the health care worker, allowing it to ensue according to the desire of the person seeking care. CONCLUSIONS: Bond maintains a close relationship with the capacity of the other to become an active subject in decision making with regard to his/her life. It allows subjects to strive towards their potentialities, favoring the reciprocity of experiences and the construction of therapeutic acts for which they are co-responsible. Oral health practice based on relational pillars needs to foster bond, making those that seek care autonomous and amplifying care.





Original Articles

How to Cite

Santos, A. M. dos, Assis, M. M. A., Nascimento, M. A. A. do, & Jorge, M. S. B. (2008). Bond and autonomy of the oral health practice in the Family Health Program . Revista De Saúde Pública, 42(3), 464-470.