Dengue prevention at the household level: preliminary evaluation of a mesh cover for flowerpot saucers


  • Virgínia Torres Schall Fundação Oswaldo Cruz; Centro de Pesquisas René Rachou
  • Héliton da Silva Barros Fundação Oswaldo Cruz; Centro de Pesquisas René Rachou
  • João Bosco Jardim Fundação Oswaldo Cruz; Centro de Pesquisas René Rachou
  • Nágila Francinete Costa Secundino Fundação Oswaldo Cruz; Centro de Pesquisas René Rachou
  • Paulo Filemon Paolucci Pimenta Fundação Oswaldo Cruz; Centro de Pesquisas René Rachou



Aedes aegypti, Oviposition, Mesh covers, Flowerpot saucers, Evidengue®


The effectiveness of a polyester mesh cover (evidengue®), aimed at preventing the access of female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes to flowerpot saucers, was evaluated in laboratory. Two saucers of flowerpot with water were individually wrapped with the cover was placed with their respective pots in two entomological cages. One identical set of flowerpot and saucer was placed in a third cage. In each cage, 20 gravid females, fed on mouse blood, were released. Results show that the cover was effective to prevent access of females. Further tests are necessary to assess cover effectiveness as a device to prevent saucer oviposition.





Brief Communication

How to Cite

Schall, V. T., Barros, H. da S., Jardim, J. B., Secundino, N. F. C., & Pimenta, P. F. P. (2009). Dengue prevention at the household level: preliminary evaluation of a mesh cover for flowerpot saucers . Revista De Saúde Pública, 43(5), 895-897.