Scientific Production on Cultural Exchange: an analysis of the literature
Cultural exchange, Tourism, Bibliographic research, Literature revisionAbstract
Cultural exchange is a type of product known in the tourism market, however, there is a great variation in practices, as well as in the ways in which the subject is treated as an object of study, assuming various nomenclatures and polysemic meanings. In this sense, this work is dedicated to understanding how the subject is approached in international scientific production, through bibliographic research from a list of terms that refer to the subject under various approaches: Intercultural exchange, Cultural exchange, Study abroad, Work and Travel, Academic mobility, Exchange tourism, Youth tourism. Were taken into consideration scientific productions published until May 2021 that brought as part of the title any of these terms, associated with tourism (present in the keywords of the works). The VOSViewer applications and the Wordclouds website were used to analyze and visualize the results. The results showed that, in the scientific environment, the terms most studied are Study Abroad, Cultural Exchange, and Academic Mobility, with some preponderance of educational and professional training topics, independently. The results also showed that scientific production in this field of study grew exponentially from the 2000s onwards, with the United States as the main publication-producing country.
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