Gastronomy Research in Brazilian Tourism and Hospitality Scientific Journals: evolution, main agents, and themes
Gastronomy, Tourism, Hospitality, Scientific research, Journal papersAbstract
Based on the closeness of the phenomena and research between Gastronomy, Tourism and Hospitality and the need for efforts for the continuous examination of the knowledge produced in these interfaces, it was established as the aim of this research to map and characterize the scientific production on Gastronomy in the format of papers from Brazilian journals of Tourism and/or Hospitality. Based on this problematic, 147 papers from 20 journals were collected through two ways: Spell database and the search system of the official sites of the journals. Bibliometrix was the software used for the data treatment. The main results were: a) main periodicals: Rosa dos Ventos - Turismo e Hospitalidade and Revista Hospitalidade; b) most prolific authors: Maria Henriqueta Gimenes-Minasse and Rodolfo Krause; c) 87% of the sample authors published only one paper; d) main references: Schlüter (2003), Gândara (2009), Gabriela Fagliari (2005); e) referential authors: Maria Henriqueta Gimenes-Minasse, Ministry of Tourism and Regina Schlüter; f) prolific institutions: Universidade Anhembi Morumbi and Universidade do Vale do Itajaí; g) five thematic clusters were identified in the sample. This research contributes to the social and intellectual characterization of the scientific production on Gastronomy in Brazil present in the journals of T&H.
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
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