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Author Guidelines



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The USP Occupational Therapy Journal does not charge submission or processing fees for submitted articles and allows free access to the content it publishes.

The magazine accepts contributions for the following sections:

  Original Articles / Theoretical Articles (up to 7000 words): Aimed at disseminating the results of unpublished research of an empirical, experimental and/or conceptual nature. They include texts resulting from theoretical research, aimed at analyzing and evaluating theoretical-methodological and conceptual trends in the area.

Experience reports / Case studies (up to 5000 words): Refer to the description and discussion of projects, actions or clinical experiences developed with institutions, communities and/or subjects.

They must present some original aspect to the fields of assistance, psychosocial rehabilitation, health promotion, social promotion or sociocultural and/or artistic intervention. Includes the presentation of case reports, innovative forms of assessment and treatment and/or didactic care experiences.

Point of View / Debates (up to 5000 words): Aimed at disseminating advances in topics of interest and the discussion and critical analysis of controversial topics of practical relevance in different areas.

Literature review (up to 6000 words): Systematic, Integrative, Scope, Narrative/critical or other reviews with a duly described and substantiated methodology are accepted, which include a detailed description of the study design, methodology, objectives and guiding questions, matrix of adequate synthesis and other elements necessary for a review study.

Interview (up to 5000 words): Includes interviews, narratives or testimonials from people whose professional achievements are relevant to the field of Occupational Therapy. These are texts commissioned by the magazine's editors, following specific invitations. It may eventually be submitted for consideration, but with prior analysis by the editorial board.

The journal does not accept submission of articles divided into parts for sequential publication. Counting the number of words starts with the first word of the Introduction and ends with the last word of the Bibliographic References.



All submissions must meet the requirement of being an original and unpublished contribution that is not being evaluated for publication by another journal.

As part of the submission process, authors must verify the article's compliance with all items described below. Submissions that do not comply with the standards will be returned to the authors.

In the article submission process, the names of all authors must be included and their respective institutions informed.



File type: doc or docx (MS Word).

Text: Official Spelling on A4 sheet format, single spacing, Times New Roman font, size 12. Margins of 2.5 cm.

Language: Articles can be written in Portuguese, English or Spanish. Texts in Portuguese and Spanish must have a title, summary and keywords in the original language and in English. Texts in English must have a title, summary and keywords in the original language and in Portuguese. Furthermore, articles in English by national authors must be presented in both versions: English and Portuguese. If approved, both will be published.

Anonymity of the submitted manuscript: Authors must exclude from the manuscript file all information that identifies the authorship of the work in references, footnotes and citations, the institution responsible for the ethical assessment of the work, among others, replacing them with the expression NN [deleted for peer review purposes]. Author data is only provided in a specific field on the submission form and on the cover page.

In Microsoft Office documents, remove the author identification from the Document Properties (in the File > Properties menu), starting from File, in the main menu, and clicking in the sequence: File > Save as… > Tools (or Options on Mac) > Security options… > Remove personal information from file on save > OK > Save.

Information about institutions that supported the research and/or people who collaborated with the study but did not meet the authorship criteria should also not appear in the manuscript and is included on the cover page. If the manuscript is approved for publication, all information that was omitted must be included again at the time of the final checklist.

Summary and Abstract: It must be written in Portuguese and English, containing between 150 and 200 words, in a single paragraph, and must explain: introduction, objectives, methodological procedures, results and conclusions.

Descriptors: 3 to 6 descriptors must be indicated, which best characterize the content of the work. See "Health Sciences Descriptors" (DECS/MeSH) at

Text structure: The journal accepts texts organized in other ways in their presentation as long as they include introduction, methodology, results and discussion. Furthermore, it is suggested that scientific research work be organized using a formal structure:

Introduction: must include the presentation and/or justification of the work, definition of the key concepts of the work, its objective, its relationship with other publications, clarifying the current state of the investigated object and/or presenting the theoretical basis adopted and the originality of the work.

Methodological Procedures: includes the description of the procedures undertaken to develop the work, the characterization of the research context and/or the population studied, the period of completion, the detailed selection and recruitment process of the target population and the number of participants, including reasons for refusing to participate in the study; the theoretical framework and/or the techniques chosen for data collection and analysis and/or discussion of the proposed topic.

Results: objective presentation of what was observed, without interpretations or comments. Characterization of research participants. It can be supported by graphs and tables, as long as they do not repeat information already included in the text.

Discussion: Refers to the discussion of the data obtained and results achieved, highlighting new and relevant aspects observed in the study and discussing the agreement and divergences with other published national and international research. In addition to study limitations and clinical relevance, if applicable.

Conclusions or final considerations: It must be direct, clear and objective, based on the results and discussion. Do not cite references.

Graphic elements: They must be attached following the citation in the body of the text and in a separate file in supplementary documents, named according to the reference in the text. The work must contain a maximum of 5 graphic elements (figure, table, graph and diagrams), and it is not permitted to combine more than one graphic element under the same title. The title must appear at the top of the graphic element, and in the case of figures, at the bottom. Avoid using vertical and inclined lines.

References: Organized in order of appearance in the text by the first author's last name. A maximum of 15% of self-citation among those who can be cited is recommended. Periodical titles must be abbreviated according to the “List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus”. URLs for references and DOI of articles must be provided. To prepare references, observe the recommendations of the VANCOUVER STANDARDS, see item 2.

In-text citation: numerical order according to appearance in the text. Put superscript, without space and if it appears at the end of the paragraph, put the period after it.


Indication of the source of citations: The presentation of the sources consulted varies depending on their insertion in the text, as shown in the following examples:

textual citation, part of the text is transcribed in full

... the struggle, the impossibility of coexistence with others (p. 50-1)3

free citation, reproduces the content of the original document

For Velho (p. 27)5 the individual...

secondary source citation (citation citation) - AVOID

Man is not defined by what he is but by what he wants to be (Ortega y Gasset2 apud8 p. 160).

citation referring to works by three or more authors

Souza et al.6 ... consulted periodically (p. 7).

direct quotations in the text (more than 3 lines) - must be highlighted with a 4 cm indentation from the left margin, with font smaller than that of the text used and without quotation marks.


Rules for preparing references

When preparing references and citations, the recommendations of the VANCOUVER STANDARDS must be followed. URLs for references and DOI of articles must be provided.

Books and monographs:

Silva AMBF. Occupational therapy and domestic violence: interdisciplinary actions of reception and care. Curitiba: Editora CRV, 2017.

Maximino V, Liberman F. Groups and occupational therapy: training, research and actions. São Paulo: Summus, 2015.

Book chapter:

Galheigo SM. Social Occupational Therapy in Brazil: A Historical Synthesis of the Constitution of a Field of Knowledge and Practice. In: Lopes RE, Malfitano APS (Org.). Social Occupational Therapy E-Book: Theoretical and Practical Designs. 1ed. London: Elsevier, 2021, v. 1, p. 11-21.

Zanoni LF, Oliver FC. Higher education, participation of young people with disabilities and the contributions of occupational therapist practices. In: LOPES RE, BORBA PLO. Occupational therapy, education and youth - understanding practices and recognizing knowledge. 1ed. São Carlos: EDUFSCar, 2022, v. 1, p. 399-416.

Journal articles:

Lancman S, Barros, JO. Notes on the use of work as a therapeutic activity and its interfaces with Occupational Therapy. Rev Ter Ocup Univ São Paulo. 2022; (1-3): e207113.

Oliveira TP, Barros JO, Lancman S. Perspectives on the role of the Occupational Therapist in a Specialized Service in Safety Engineering and Occupational Medicine (SESMT) at a tertiary university hospital. Rev Ter Ocup Univ. São Paulo. 2022;32(1-3):e204929.

Soares CRS, Oliver FC, Barros J de O, Batista MPP, Othero MB, Muramoto MT, Galheigo S, Lancman S. Affirmation and resumption of a trajectory: new perspectives from the USP Occupational Therapy Journal. Rev Ter Ocup Univ São Paulo. 2022;32(1-3):e207164.


Bregalda MM. Graduate training in occupational therapy and development of relational skills: study of public course curricula in Brazil [thesis]. São Paulo: University of São Paulo, Faculty of Medicine; 2019. doi:10.11606/T.5.2019.tde-18112019-090832.

Rocha EF. Occupational therapy and rehabilitation of people with disabilities: how I learned to polish lenses with Espinosa [free teaching]. São Paulo: University of São Paulo, Faculty of Medicine; 2019. doi:10.11606/T.5.2020.tde-18032021-122223.

COVER PAGE - must be attached as a supplementary document (separate from the body of the article). It must contain in this order:

Title (in Portuguese and English): Maximum 18 words, only in the language of the manuscript, in bold, using capital letters only at the beginning of the title and proper names. Abbreviations, acronyms or geographic location of the research (institutions or services where the research was carried out) should not be used.

Abbreviated title in Portuguese and English, containing up to 7 words.

Authors' names: Complete, without abbreviations, numbered by Arabic numerals, with institution (must follow hierarchy: University, Faculty and Department.), location, state and country. Authors must indicate how to cite their name for indexing in the databases and enter ORCID ID, email.

Manuscripts extracted from a dissertation or thesis: the title, year and institution in which it was presented must be indicated with an asterisk in a footnote. If the work was presented at events, it is necessary to indicate the name of the event, location and date.

Corresponding author: The author who submits the work will be responsible for correspondence and will receive notifications from the Journal through the Portal.

Authors' contributions: The people designated as authors must have participated in the preparation of the articles so that they can publicly assume responsibility for their content. Qualification as an author must presuppose: a) conception and design or analysis and interpretation of data, b) writing of the article or its critical review, and c) approval of the version to be published. The individual contributions of each author in preparing the article must be specified (e.g. SM Silva - worked on the conception and final writing; CM Assis - on the research and methodology).

Acknowledgments: When relevant, addressed to people or institutions that contributed to the preparation of the work. Include at the end of the text, before references.

Source of Funding: Authors must inform whether or not the work received funding.



THE JOURNAL COMPLIES WITH CNS RESOLUTION No. 466, OF DECEMBER 12, 2012. The works presented must follow the criteria of ethics in research with human beings and it is mandatory that the authors explain, in the body of the work, whether there was approval by the Ethics Committee of the institution where the study was carried out.

All articles resulting from research involving human beings require approval from the Ethics Committee. Attach as a supplementary document proof of approval from the institution's Research Ethics Committee (CEP) (Represented opinion from the CEP obtained on the Plataforma Brasil website). For experience reports not approved by the Ethics Committee, the text must not allow the identification of subjects and/or institutions.


When submitting the text, authors must send the Declaration of Responsibility, Conflict of Interest, according to the model below, signed by all authors and attached as a supplementary document.

City name, day, month and year

We declare, for all due purposes, that the manuscript “Insert the title” is our authorship and we are responsible for its content. We declare that we present



Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed by the authors will be only used  for the services provided by this journal. These information will not be available for other purposes or to third parties.