User opinion of occupational therapy service: seeking the quality of assistance
Occupational therapy, Evalution studies, Program evaluation, National health programs^i2^sutilizat, Quality indicators, health care, Quality of health careAbstract
Based on the user's opinion, this study proposes to analyze the quality of the Adult Program developed at the Occupational Therapy Outpatient Department of the School of Occupational Therapy of PUC-Campinas. For this purpose, a questionnaire was elaborated and applied in order to collect qualitative and quantitative information, based on studies about the assessment of health services and programs. The present study takes into account the implementation of SUS that foresees the participation of the users. Thus, it sought to value their opinion and satisfaction in order to improve assistance. Most of the users made a positive evaluation about the help provided by the service, both from the technical and the interpersonal points of view. The majority of users did not manifest any need for changes to be implemented in the program. The study therefore contributed to the improvement of the service in aspects related to the assistance provided and its administration.Downloads
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How to Cite
Toldrá, R. C., & Sá, M. J. C. N. de. (2005). User opinion of occupational therapy service: seeking the quality of assistance . Revista De Terapia Ocupacional Da Universidade De São Paulo, 16(2), 90-96.