The marketplace of occupational therapy in Maceió-AL in the context of contemporary capital crisis
Job market, Capitalism, Occupational therapyAbstract
This article aims to show the results of the research made over the occupational therapy marketplace from the reality observed in the city of Maceió, state of Alagoas facing the new conditions of work imposed by the capitalism crisis scenario. The referential theory used was the historical-critical perspective, which allowed the discussion of the studied object in the social transformations; a questionnaire was applied to 49 professional. The data was analyzed with the Microsoft Excel Software and the content analysis methodology. It was identified a general situation of precarization in the conditions and relation of work, which difficult the effectuation of professional projects aiming at the guarantee of rights and social transformations.Downloads
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How to Cite
Bezerra, W. C., Tavares, M. M. F., & Cavalcante, G. M. M. (2009). The marketplace of occupational therapy in Maceió-AL in the context of contemporary capital crisis . Revista De Terapia Ocupacional Da Universidade De São Paulo, 20(2), 75-84.