Reflexões sobre a relação entre trabalho e saúde e as propostas de intervenção em Terapia Ocupacional*


  • Fátima Corrêa Oliver Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Medicina



Reflections on the relation between work and health: Occupational therapy intervention proposals. — The relation between health and work it's an important factor to define whos able or not be accepted in work market In capitalism the production process is constantly changed by technology and working process organization. The gap between work's execution and elaboration, predominant in taylorist s production proposition and parcelled and control-led work, specially by the of machinery and shift work determine a kind of working rhythm inadequate for workers. This situation created conditions for them to become vulnerable both to mental and physical disorders. Occupationaltherapists have a great deal of responsability on the care of the so considered deviant, marginal or handicaped population; so considered specially by the fact of hot having access to independent life through working or by having lostitin some moment. We observe in this area's literature and in some institutional professional rehabilitation programs that work is being treated as is usually is in sociallife. Thatis, arts and crafts (socially not qualified) or the protected work that repeattaylorist production proposition, with no restrictions, using the so called leck of this people's mental and physical conditions as a technical scientific argumentthatjustify it's use. The author's point of view reinforces the importance of creating atternative approach to this working model.


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How to Cite

Oliver, F. C. (1990). Reflexões sobre a relação entre trabalho e saúde e as propostas de intervenção em Terapia Ocupacional*. Revista De Terapia Ocupacional Da Universidade De São Paulo, 1(2), 76-80.