Theater with adolescents at social risk: health promotion practices in an occupational therapy context
Adolescents, Vulnerability, Culture, Art, Occupational therapy, Health promotion.Abstract
The objective of this study was to analyze the usage of the artistic language of theateras a health promotion tool for adolescents at social risk, in an occupational therapy context. Thisprocess was carried out through the GESTTO group (Socio-theatrical expressions in OccupationalTherapy), which was made up of teenaged residents from a community in the city of Fortaleza, Ceará.The investigation method used a qualitative and research-action approach based on the writings ofLiberman, Barros, Boal and Moreno. The analysis results highlighted that the occupational therapygroup allowed the adolescent to perceive himself/herself as a being in society, with a role to play,and with the potential to create and become an agent for transformation. Therefore, the functionalityof theater as an occupational therapy resource is addressed.Downloads
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How to Cite
Justa, F. M. C., & Holanda, I. C. L. C. de. (2012). Theater with adolescents at social risk: health promotion practices in an occupational therapy context. Revista De Terapia Ocupacional Da Universidade De São Paulo, 23(1), 16-23.