The retirement of work from low back diseases: repercussions on the subjects daily lifes
Sick leave, Chronic pain, Occupational therapy, Activities of daily life.Abstract
The objective of this study was to investigate aspects of the retirement of workfrom low back disease of subjects assisted in the stage of Occupational Therapy course of FederalUniversity of Sao Paulo, and repercussions on subjects´ daily life. It was used instrumentals,containing demographic data, related to work, clinical aspects, about how pain affected daily life,and others, and the instrument Health Assessment Questionnaire - HAQ, applied as an interview.Participated in this study eight (n=8) subjects, age between 37 and 55 years old, four of eachsex. All the subjects referred chronic low back pain, and others. The retirement of work and painaffected few of the daily life´s activities and this study emphasizes the necessity of an embracedview about the incapacity.Downloads
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How to Cite
Alencar, M. do C. B. de, & Terada, T. M. (2012). The retirement of work from low back diseases: repercussions on the subjects daily lifes. Revista De Terapia Ocupacional Da Universidade De São Paulo, 23(1), 44-51.