Socio-demographic and disability/functionality profile of people cared in a hand rehabilitation program
International Classifi cation of Functioning, Disability and Health, Hand injuries, Occupational therapy.Abstract
Injuries or traumas involving the hand, in most cases, imply in interruption of thetasks and activities of daily living. For a health involvement in occupations it is necessary to haveintegrity of the functions and body structures that help in the implementation of tasks. This is theperspective of the World Health Organization to replaces the negative focus of impairment anddisability to a positive perspective through the publication of the International Classifi cation ofFunctioning, Disability and Health (ICF). This study aims to describe the socio of demographicprofi le as well as the condition of injury/trauma and functional/disability of people with injuries/trauma to the hand. It is qualitative-quantitative research and exploratory descriptive study, throughdocumentary approach. It was selected 33 subjects where 81.81% of them were in the productiveage between 19 and 49 years old. Most injuries or trauma of the subjects evaluated was due toautomobile accident and reached the highest profi le of functioning and disability on the domains“mobility (d4)”, “personal care (d5)” and “domestic life (d6)”. The use of the ICF was feasible tocategorize the functioning and disability of individuals with hand injuries or trauma, providing ascientifi c basis for understanding and studying health and health related conditions.Downloads
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How to Cite
Alves, A. L., Cavalcanti, A., Castro, S. S. de, Andrade, V. S., & Nunes, C. M. P. (2012). Socio-demographic and disability/functionality profile of people cared in a hand rehabilitation program. Revista De Terapia Ocupacional Da Universidade De São Paulo, 23(1), 62-71.