Criticism and genesis of Eugene Onegin in the letters of Aleksandr Pushkin


  • Gabriella de Oliveira Silva Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro



Aleksandr Pushkin, Eugene Onegin, Criticism, Correspondence, Genesis of works


This article presents an excerpt from the correspondence of Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin (1799-1837), prioritizing those in which there are records of the genesis of the novel in verse Eugene Onegin (1833) and the criticism generated by this work. Regarding his participation in literary-critical debates, Pushkin's correspondence is on equal footing with his works of fiction and critical essays. While he left many open questions in his fictional works, in correspondence, Pushkin wrote openly about his artistic intentions. The poet often responded to reviews published in magazines with letters addressed to their authors. We will analyze how Pushkin's correspondence functioned as a literary laboratory and how it can help in understanding his conceptions about literature, criticism, the genesis of his works, publications and reception.


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How to Cite

Silva, G. de O. (2023). Criticism and genesis of Eugene Onegin in the letters of Aleksandr Pushkin. RUS (Sao Paulo), 14(25), 49-67.